Akemashite omedetô gozaimasu!
enviado por/posted by Anónimo
@ 09:51 COT
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enviado por/posted by Anónimo
@ 09:51 COT
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English: New Reika's movie for 2005
Although it has been already shown last October on the Tokyo International Film Festival, it will be on next year when Makoto Tezuka's new movie appears on the Japanese screens. It's Synchronicity, a thriller starring Masanobu Andô, our beloved Reika Hashimoto, Kaori Kawamura, Shunsuke Matsuoka and Kazuma Suzuki. In this production, Asuka (Hashimoto), an amateur model who arrives to Tokyo. ends up living with Kasumi (Kawamura), a singer. Things turn complicated when Asuka witnesses a murder at a love hotel next door, becomes paranoid and convinces herself that someone's trying to kill Kasumi. We'll be waiting for more news about this new Reika's project.
Etiquetas: 橋本麗香
enviado por/posted by Julián Ortega Martínez
@ 20:05 COT
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Etiquetas: 橋本麗香
enviado por/posted by Anónimo
@ 16:41 COT
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