Nueva película de Reika cambia de nombre y se estrena en enero

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Black Kiss - sitio oficial (en japonés)
English: New movie starring Reika has been renamed and premieres on January
About a year ago, we reported in this site about the release of a new movie starring Reika. In October 2004, Synchronicity was featured at the Tokyo International Film Festival. Well, after more than a year, the film, renamed as Black Kiss, premieres on January 28th, 2006 at the Q-AX Cinema in Shibuya, Tokyo. Directed by Macoto Tezka (legendary Osamu Tezuka's son and permanent Reika's boss), Black Kiss is a thriller starred by Masanobu Andô, Reika Hashimoto, Kaori Kawamura, Shunsuke Matsuoka and Kazuma Suzuki.
Etiquetas: 橋本麗香
enviado por/posted by Julián Ortega Martínez
@ 16:25 COT
1 comentario(s) / Comment(s):
El / On 30 de enero de 2006, 3:03 COT,
Pirata Subterraneo dijo / said…
No conocía ésta actriz. Que interesante!!! El cine oriental y sus actores brillan por su ausencia en nuestras salas de cine. Gracias por,el comentario y la crítica. !!!!
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