Reika tiene nuevo representante

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Reika Hashimoto en Rhythmedia
English: Reika's got a new manager
Since last year, the Reika's Official Website had no new updates. Today, when this year's third month is beginning, we found out Reika has changed her manager. After years at Mr. Macoto Tezka's company (legendary Osamu Tezuka), our beloved model and actress has switched to Rhythmedia, company that represents several artists, specially music-related. The reasons for the decisions are unknown so far. Her new site is under construction, only with a biography with new data: Reika's second name is Maria.
NOTA: Dentro de pocos días, el fansite será movido a este blog.
[Actualizado el 25.04.2006 20:25]
Etiquetas: 橋本麗香
enviado por/posted by Julián Ortega Martínez
@ 20:52 COT
1 comentario(s) / Comment(s):
El / On 28 de marzo de 2006, 11:10 COT,
Anónimo dijo / said…
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